I'm currently quarantining a Coral Beauty who is doing good. It's been in there for 9 days now. The quarantine tank is in my basement and the main tank is on the first floor. This is my first quarantined fish and I'm wondering how to go about transporting to the main tank. Do I acclimate? Salinity and temp are the same. My PH in the main tank is a little higher than the quarantine.
When catching the fish, should I use a net or a container? I want to do this the right way so please help.
Like I said in the "Subject" I have 2 more weeks to go but I want to be prepared.
When catching the fish, should I use a net or a container? I want to do this the right way so please help.
Like I said in the "Subject" I have 2 more weeks to go but I want to be prepared.