I have a 180g. reef tank. What size should I make my refugium?


I am in the process of setting up a 180 gallon reef tank. It is currently being filtered off of a sea life systems w/d. I would like to make a refugium for it but not sure what size tank to use. If I dont use the sealife w/d I will have 60"L x 14"W x 46"H of space to use. If I keep the sealife w/d I will have 37"L x 14"W x 46"H of space to use. I dont know anything about refugiums so I cant say what I want to keep in it . I guess whatever will keep my main tank the most balanced and healthiest.:confused:


did you repost this? i remeber this from a couple days ago. just try to make it the biggest size that will fit under your tank. imo the biggest you can go would be best. you can use a tank, rubbermaid container or something you can make out of acrylic.