i have a 49 tall. . .


ok i talked about this tank a loooooooooooooong time ago.
i got it from my aunt who was using it for a FW planted tank.
a while back me and my dad re-sealed it and cleaned it out
and six months later it's still sitting on our deck.
i was wondering what i could do with it?
what kind of fish i could keep?
im thinking about seahorses but I'm not sure.
how different would my setup have to be if i do get horses?
can someone give me and estimate of what it would cost to set it all up with lighting, filtering, sand, and rock?
sorry for the question overload, I'm just trying to be well informed so when i talk to my dad I'll know what to tell him and he wont freak out on me lol

I'll have some pics in the next post


side tank shot

under the tank

bottom of the tank

front tank shot

sorry 'bout the pics. . . photobucket is being weird


I will be changing the stand out for a new one my dad's friend is a carpenter and he'll make a nice sturdy one!
andunder the tank is foam. . . the glass isn't broken


thats a nice tank, wheres the rest of the stand pipe? surely that isnt the hole standpipe, i would go with hourses if thats what your wanting to get into, but they are totally diffrent from normal fish, and you should probly study up on them befor buing one, i hear less flow mainly but i dont do hourses and never thought to do them eather, they will need plant life to perch on thats for sure, could put some finger leathers in there for them to rap there tails around, would look cool, how tall is the tank, it looks like 25-30" tall and 1 175-250 MH would do, any other lighting would be really hard to get enough of to reach the bottom as it dosent look like you have much surface area on that tank, i woul dprobly put a over rated skimmer on it also and set it lower for airation sence you dont have alot of surface area
as i have said befo rim not expert, that was JMO


that is not the stand pipe, previously it was connected to a series of canister filters. . . is there anything i can do with that piping or is it useless