I have a few questions...complicated..and I am not trained


What is the difference between and Kalk. reactor and a Calcium reactor?
Which one is better?
What is a great brand.
Do I need a auto top off system to run it.
Where do you get the co2 bottle?
How long would one bottle last?
As you can see I am not really sure about it. I do want one to keep my calc./alk levels regular. I really would appreciate the help. I do not understand how they work.



Active Member
Originally Posted by crzyfshygy
What is the difference between and Kalk. reactor and a Calcium reactor?
Which one is better?
What is a great brand.
Do I need a auto top off system to run it.
Where do you get the co2 bottle?
How long would one bottle last?
As you can see I am not really sure about it. I do want one to keep my calc./alk levels regular. I really would appreciate the help. I do not understand how they work.

well since no one else is helping i guess ill help out, ive never used any of the things youve mentioned, but heres my best guess, kalk, reactor probley drips kalkaswasser (spelling?) and the calcium reactor will drip stuff to help raise your calcium and keep it stable, you can probley get a co2 bottle at a LFS or online, but you may want to wait until someone else gives you advice

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by crzyfshygy
What is the difference between and Kalk. reactor and a Calcium reactor?
Which one is better?
What is a great brand.
Do I need a auto top off system to run it.
Where do you get the co2 bottle?
How long would one bottle last?
As you can see I am not really sure about it. I do want one to keep my calc./alk levels regular. I really would appreciate the help. I do not understand how they work.

I'll try to address your questions...but...a search on these forums or on-line for the information will provide basically the same information.
calcium reactor:
A calcium reactor offers a simple and convenient solution for maintaining calcium and alkalinity in your reef tank. After the initial setup, the calcium reactor requires minimal maintenance. A calcium reactor is almost a necessity for tanks heavily stocked with stony coral where calcium and alkalinity demands are high.
It is also a great addition for those looking to boost the growth of coralline algae on their live rock. Calcium reactors provide a steady supply of calcium by using CO2 to dissolve media in the reactor and, thus, releasing calcium into your water. The effluent released also acts as a buffer to stabilize pH.
Kalk reactor:
The limewater reactor is a tool used to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels in the reef aquarium. Calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2, is dissolved in deionized water and dispensed in a controlled manner to the system. Ca(OH)2 reacts freely with CO2, by limiting the contact with CO2 the viability of limewater is lengthened.
The basic operation of the reactor is thus: the reactor goes inline between a freshwater supply and the aquarium system. The reactor maintains a saturated calcium hydroxide solution by periodically operating a magnetic stirring device; receiving freshwater from a reservoir, clear limewater is displaced into the aquarium at a rate equal to the evaporation rate of the aquarium.
Reactor setup is amongst the simplest used to support calcification within a reef aquarium; once the unit has been loaded with calcium hydroxide, setting up the dosing pump and adjusting the stir frequency is all that is required to get the unit fully operational.


Thanks NM...but I am still confused. :notsure: I did many searches on this and nothing really explains it well.
What is the difference?????? Calcium from a Calcium reactor, it is basically the same as Lime water....meaning they both provide calcium to the tank. One is just calcium hydroxide right???? Why do people use both??? Can One do the trick????? if I do the calcium reactor, do I still need to add Kalk????


Active Member
The difference is that Calcium reactors use CaCO3 media (Calcium Carbonate), where kalk reactors use CaOH2 media (Calcium Hydroxide). Do you currently drip kalk or use additives?


Active Member
One thing I should have added was there effects on ph...calc reactors usually lower ph, where kalk reactors increase ph.


I add kent kalk to my top off water a 100% of the time. I use about 1/2 tps per gallon and it keeps it at 460ppm. PH right before the lights come on is 8.13 and right before they go off 8.43. Alk is 3.0 after water changes....I add buffer everyweek (kent)
Here is what I want....I guess I do not want to lower PH because it is good.
I want a more regularly stable system ALK/CALC/PH
I have a SPS tank(NEW TO SPS) and want to grow Awesome Acro's
People say you have to have a Calcium reactor. My question is, Calcium reactor...or Kalkreactor?????? :thinking: :help:


Am currently using a DIY kalkreaktor inline with my topoff water. I have an auto-topoff setup (DIY) that when the float drops to allow water into the system, it first goes through the reactor and gets saturated with limewater. I do not add any vinegar to the water yet. Ph stays at 8.4, and due to the amount of corals and coralline algae, our ca stays at about 350 ppm with just the reactor. We dose reef complete to makeup ca and add mg to get the ca up to 380-400. I also add strontium and molybdenum , and coral accel. Currently using Kalkwasser mix, but when that runs out, we'll be switching to ball pickling lime.(found it locally for 1.59 a pound and boght all they had). The reactor is based on a Nilssen reactor found on the diy forum and cost me only about 30.00 to build (as opposed to 400+ to buy).


So in reality.......calcium reactors do not really keep your calcium up at all times plus they lower PH. So you still have to dose kalk. Not sure stilll
what the whole point is of the calcium reactor. :mad: plus it seems like know one else knows either.......or maybe I just do not understand