I have a monster in my tank


I was cleaning my glass and I was able to catch a glimpse of a hairy thing make its way into a hole in a rock. I think it had legs like a starfish but I am really not too sure. It was white or creamish colored and had what seemed to be short small tentacles all over its appendages. I was not able to get a very good look at it, and I have never seen anything like it before.


it could be a baby brittle star of sorts that came in on your rock. try to find it at night with a red filtered light and see if you can get a better look at it..
Like Michael said, try to get a better look at it at night with a low intensity light. If you wanted to get familiar with your nocturnal critters, go to a hardware store and purchase a red bulb for a flashlight and use that at night to peek around. You will be amazed at the life crawling around at night. Using a regular flashlight will cause alot of your night critters to hide before you even get to see them. By using a red bulb, you can not only see them...but you will be able to study them and identify the "mystery monster".


I got another look at it, I think the first peron was right, it is a sort of starfish. It is white and very fast. It seems to poke its legs out to feel around and then it pulls itself in quickly. I have yet to see it come all of the way out.