I have a PH problem I think


When I first put my sand in my 55 tank my PH stabalized at around 8.2
Now my Ph is around 7.9, why? It has only been a week since I last tested it.
Is it my testers, I have Aqua Lab tester kits, do I need new ones?
I have been using Buffer but it doesn't seem to help


Active Member
OK - the correct level of PH is 8.2 to 8.4, your tank is a bit low. SeaChem 8.2 Buffer used weekly after water changes (make your water buffer solution in a separate RO/DI gallon of water and after a few weeks your PH level should begin to stabilize. You may have to extend the treatment time to a few months and then taper the water buffer to once every two weeks.


This may not help, but once I had a PH problem and it really was the soft tap water from the faucet I was using somehow, in long-term turned very very acidic, started at 7.4 and went to 6.4. (freshwater)
Hope this may help! :D


Active Member
first thing you really want to do is check your alkalinity, if this is not in line, you will never get yourph to stabilize
if it is low, you need to get that up
otherwise, it will keep dropping
you can raise your alk. with the buffers mentioned if that is the problem(which it probably is)
good luck