i have a pink spotted broomtail wrasse, what to do?


should i get rid of my broomtail wrasse because he is very aggressive and steals my puffers food? any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
If it's just a feeding problem I wouldn't get rid of the wrasse for that reason only. In my tank the triggers, wrasse and puffer go for the food much faster than my volitans or eels. So, we feed small bite size stuff for the fish on one end and slowly feed the lion and eels more directly on the other end so they can get to it. They're all starting to learn that for some food comes on the right side of the tank and for others food comes on the left. Takes a bit more effort but it works. You might try that distracting technique with your wrasse/puffer. Also putting in more pieces and some that are bigger will occupy the wrasse and give the puffer more time.
Good Luck!