I have a problem....and I NEED help.


I have been fighting this problem for about a week now. I think it is cyno or red slime (same thing?). it's black or deep purple and it's just getting worse..... I have shortened my lighting period, added flow, cut back on my feeding, continued my water changes and it's still getting worse. Any ideas?


Active Member
CYANO BACTERIA: red slime algae has to be one of the most frustrating for new reefers.It usually breaks out on the surface of the sand substrate.2 ways that i know to remove the cyano is to first increase your water flow u want to remove any stagnent areas by the subsrtate. Two remove excess nutrient, I prefer to do a 10 percent weekly water change with ro di water or di water. (do not use tap water) while doing a water change syphon out as much red algea as possible,also dont be afraid to cut your light back and your feeding, I leave my light on for 10 hrs a day in my 90 gal tank its ok to cut back to 5 hrs for a couple of weeks.


Active Member
Here is my take on getting rid of Cyano.
Red Slime (Cyano Bacteria)
Cyano grows on top of nutrient rich areas of low flow. There are a number of things that need to be correct or possibly corrected to combat this without the use of chemical additives. The biggest thing is to get rid of the extra nutrients.
1. Evaluate your feeding. If you are feeding more than can be eaten in about 1-2 minutes it is too much and the remainder of it is falling to the rock and sand and becoming nutrient.
2. Evaluate your flow. If you have areas in the tank where there is little to no flow this can be corrected by adding power heads or repositioning the ones you already have. You don’t need to create sand storms just have water moving over the area to keep detritus suspended in the water column for removal by your filter – skimmer.
3. Evaluate your water changes. The solution to pollution is dilution! You want to continually remove unneeded nutrients as well as replace those things that are used by the system. 10% weekly is a good change schedule. Some do 20% every other week and some vary the schedule from there, but a good start is 10% per week.
4. Evaluate your lighting schedule. About 10 hours of daylight is all that is needed.
5. If you have a cyano outbreak do the above 4 items andh:
a. At water change time siphon off the cyano first. It will come up easily almost like a blanker.
b. After siphoning stir the affected areas a little to suspend any detritus for the water change and filtering - skimming removal.
c. Use a turkey baster now and at every water change in the future to again suspend the detritus for removal by the water change and your filtering – skimming.
Keeping nutrient levels low to non-existent will help to avoid cyano outbreaks and any algae outbreaks as well as keep your tank and you happy happy.
Hope that helps.



after i have cut back the reasons for the growth, about how long until it starts to stop increasing and starts to decrease? hours? days? weeks? months? thank you for the help


Active Member
I did all those steps and never could get red of mine.
I got rid of mine by using Chemi-pUre... worked like a charm and havent seen any since..


i had a out break of it a couple weeks ago.cuz i had to top off using tap water i am guessing... but anyhow what i did was reduced my lights,increased my flow,peeled the stuff up for about a week, and water changes, and today i cant tell i ever had it!! i would try to avoid using any chemicals in the tank if ya can!!


I think there are more than one type of cyno I have been battling in the last couple of months so bad its unreal I have increased the flow stopped feeding and even cut back on lights so much and this stuff is still hanging on. its more of a black though but it will break off the glass and wave in the current.
I have not added anything to my tank though been trying to battle it without chemicals first with no avail!!!!
basically what I am saying is that the methods of incresed flow and less feeding and lower light may work if not you may have to take more drastic measures to get rid of it.


Chemi-pure is safe to use not really that kind of chemical. Filter media. I use it since start but still got that stuff. Skimmer will be here soon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ManyColors
I have been fighting this problem for about a week now. I think it is cyno or red slime (same thing?). it's black or deep purple and it's just getting worse..... I have shortened my lighting period, added flow, cut back on my feeding, continued my water changes and it's still getting worse. Any ideas?

Hows it coming along?


New Member
I am having the same problem with my 33gal tank. I plan on cutting down on my feeding and lighting to help get rid of my problem. I will be doing a 10% change in the morning and try to get the wife to cut back on the feeding as well. Hope to get rid of this problem in the near future.