I have an odd question


Active Member
I was wondering. It is kind of a wierd question but. How much aggresion is to much aggression? For instance, how do you know that the fish is being picked on too much by the other fish. Where the fish is miserable?
Does this make any sense. I don't have a problem but was just wondering.


for one, you don't want to see your fish getting nipped at. this is easy to see. there will be pieces missing from fins and such. also, if a fish isn't eating, it's a pretty good sign of stress.


Active Member
what wolf said and for a fish i hear probs w/ picking on id say sharks, and fish for worse picking done id say triggers, and some of the larger tangs

30-xtra high

Active Member
to much aggression is when a fish is either always afraid, or always being harrassed, your fish should be comfortable swimming among your other fish (at least after they've been together for awile) and they should show no physical signs of injury.