I have ich, I think


I noticed last night that I had ich on my tomato clown and 2 of my clarki clowns, i have a domino( with just barely noticable spots) and a yellow tang, it has a few spots on its fins,,,any ideas,,this is real stressful, my tank is 6 months old,,,i have a mudd system on it and an emporer 240,,,please help


Staff member
Well, do you have live rock, inverts? If not, you can use hyposalinity to cure the ich. If not, then you need to set up a hospital tank.
Do a search here for hyposalinity.


I have about 40 lbs of live rock, one choc star fish, and some form of an aptasia,, I saw back in the other memos about a garlic allixer or something, my guy at the local saltwater store said to use it, I know it is too soon, but the fish seem to be acting better


Active Member
From what I saw on my yellow tang, one day he was fine the next day it looked like he was covered in salt. Then he was fine the next day, just alittle darting and scratching.
I would just watch them for a few days and look for more "salt" spots on them.
Good luck, ich sucks!:(


thanks for the advice, I am trying the garlic in their food, I lost one clarki clown, the other has like a cloudiness over his eyes, but the tang is doing great now..thanks


well, i tried rid ich, and thought I killed everything, but things seem to be coming back around, but I am trying to avoid chems now....I am in the process of lowering the salinity in the water


You said you had 40lbs of LR? Hypo is not good if you have LR. You can kill it off. It would be better if you had another tank you could setup for the mean time and just make that the "hospital" tank. yea rid ick and kick ick will work to a point. you have to keep up treatments though.


well, down 3 fish now, but the tang, domino and yellow tail damsel all look good, water readings are going crazy, but trying to maintain them,,,, the garlic is working I think,,,all fish left are eating....there has got to be a way to kill ich in a tank with live rock,,,how can you set up a hosp tank so fast, any ideas, let me know