I Have Nitrites and Nitrates


Please I need one of you pro's to help me out.I have a Nitrite reading of 0.25 and a Nitrate reading of 30..ammonia is 0..ph is at 8.0..salt is 1.022.I sent my son to wal marts for RO water..I need to get the rites and rates back to 0.How many gallons of water should I take out to get things back to 0? Its a 125g Please help!!!!


You're not going to be able to remove all of them in one massive water change. You may not have that option anyways if your tank is already stocked. Just a few sizeable, normal water changes should do the trick.
Are you cycling or is it a mature tank? What kinda filtration you running?


Im not cycling thats been over for months.Im using a Cascade 1500 filter.I just today changed the floss.


Active Member
I am not sure what a cascade filter is? Is that like a canister filter?
If so I would start looking into a sump.
Need more info on your setup to try and help.
How long has your tank been setup?
Exactly what type of filtration?