I have no clue what I just caught


I have never seen or heard of anything like this. No pictures at the moment. I will get on that later in the day. Last night I was scanning my tank in the dark and caught some movement out the corner of my eye. I see a 1/2'' worm/fish "thing" kinda swimming and contorting its body. I cant explain how it moves. Its orange first off. Looks like a worm but swims similar to a fish. I know, mind boggling....Doesnt have a distinct face but swims one way. When I watched it swim, it bumbed into the glass and walls and when it hit the sand it just kept swimming into the sand until the current moved it. Does anyone have any clue at all what this could possibly be? Its orange, swims like a fish, looks like a worm, and is half an inch or less long.


Active Member
"Epitoky is a form of reproduction observed for polychaete marine worms.
The worms undergo a partial or complete transformation into an epitoke, a pelagic morph capable of sexual reproduction.
Often an epitoke is the posterior part of the worm, that separates from the anterior part (called atoke) and gametes are produced inside."
So not really any problem here.


I think I had one and made a thread about having an orange worm and I think what you said is what I have right now. I changed from completely Fanta Orange to clear like the one in the picture.
This is absolutely wild.
Thank you for your fast responce.