i just built a shark pond!!!

after many weeks of measureing i finally did it. the pond is a aquare, 6 feet by 6 feet, each side is 2 feet high! all together it took 24 four by fours 6 on each side. ill be running a ocean clear by red sea (375 with a uv) with my discou nts where i work at my lfs i get sstuff cheap. a turbofloater by aqua medic, 400lbs of live sand. and a lot of live rock which is gonna be in a seperate spillaway tub. it is ognna be great.


Sweet, where is it? Is it outside? You'll wanna put a little greenhouse type thing to keep animals out, and to keep the temp pretty constant. Keep us updated, and I wanna see some pix.


New Member
how much did it cost
i'm tring to get somebody to build me a five hundred gal. in my beasment


Dlight, that is awesome!
Make sure you get something like Mark said, at least get a fense like that, to keep the raccoons or other animals out. Where is it going? Try to put some pics of them on the web I wanna see it! ;) :D
na guys it is in my basement, i ordered the liner today, 15x15 so it is gonna over lap. any idea on what to put in with the shark? maybe a stingray or eel or somthing.... i will see if i can get some pics up tonight. brb lol
o ya the wood and insulation and nails cost 210 bucks, all together with my discounts it is gonna cost roughly 1200
[ September 24, 2001: Message edited by: dlight692000 ]


Are you going to cover the top with glass or something like that? If not, you should, because sharks, and eels, are jumpers and will try to escape the pond. If you do have 1 then, I would but in a snowflake or chainlink, possibly a zebra moray. Also, do you know how many gallons the pond is?


I don't think they would, but if the shark is small enough to fit in the tasseletas mouth(the shark would be a baby) it would be food.
na oi am gonna get pond netting, anfd it is 540 gallons, the imnsulation is so there are not any cold spots in the liner from the cold cement. and for cussion

big dave

Cool shark pond! I was going to set up a FW pond a few months ago but that whole buyin a car and insurance got in the way!!! good luck! I did the math and figured around $800 for mine. I also work at and LFS s othats cool. MIne was gonna be 8x8x3 around 1200 gallons and hold a true tigrinis shovlenose cat and a Red Tail Cat and a SIlver Arowanna. Tis a shame I didnt set it up. Oh well. Good luck!!!