I Just dont get it...

Its been a while since I've posted here, but this has been bugging me too much.
I have a 32gal bowfront with about 50-60lbs of l/r and a 3in dsb
water qualities are perfect, and everything I put in this tank thrives greatly. Now I bought a 120gal for later on expecting to put it to use.
Now what gets me is I have gone through 2 clown triggers. When I bought them they were not even a full inch, and yet when they get to about 2 inches I find them dead :( ...
No I didn't have them at the same time and they were the most agressive fish in the tank.
I fed them a diet of fresh and frozen brine along with flake feed.
I also know they do get bigger hence why I had bought my 120g
For now I decided not to buy another untill I do more research and fully set the 120 up.
any and all knowledge will be very helpfull right now for I do want another, but do not want this one to die.
Now I have my 35g set up with the same l/r and a Tomato Clown as well as 1 Chocolate Star and 1 African Star.
My only other question is my African Star is a hungry lil guy, how can I compensate his appetite?


Active Member
Dan, baby clown triggers have a high mortality rate. I'm not sure if anyone really knows why. Some babies seem to be fine, then poof, they are dead. Maybe shipping it is too stressful? Who knows? I'd suggest getting a larger clown, of at least 4". As for your star, I'd just put a little chopped squid or other meaty preperation by him, and he'll probably take it. Bo
Well the weird thing here is I had the first one for about 6 months and my second lasted about 8-9 months. And this is in my tank.