i just got a 110gallon tank

Is it a cement floor?
If it's a wood-floor, I have a good article I will post for you. There's many different factors you will have to consider, especially if it's an old building.
I have 160g in total sitting on one big shelf on one spot. I'm on the third floor of a newer concrete building and I never ever worry about it.


New Member
I just got done reading about this subject and my conclusion is better safe then sorry... The estimated weight of my 155 gallon is 1800 pounds!!! If that gives you any idea. Go to the All- Glass web site and I am sure it will help.. Congrats on your tank!!!!


smokinstarfish I'd be interested in seeing that article you have. I am moving into an older home soon and will be setting up a 125 eventually. I have no idea how well the thing is going to hold on a wood floor. I was thinking about bringing a structural engineer in to help in the process.


I am also going to be moving my 100gal tank into a wood floor house. The tank will be on the main floor place in a corner (the strongest place) but there is a basement. Do you think that this would be ok. The house is about 25 years old. The floor seems solid. it doesnt creek or anything of the sort


New Member
elitsoH is right. Make sure your tank is running opposite the floor joice. I will try to find the article that I read and I will get back to you soon. My friend who is an skilled carperter told me if you have a crawspace, to use metal bracing ( found at your local hardware store) If you have a basement, you can use wood bracing on the joice. Don't think because you have a new home that everthing is stronger than an older home. That is not the case. I will get back to you ASAP