My neighbours were moving cross country and gave me a 46 gallon aquarium with two clownfish, 1 majestic angel, 1 foxface, 1 starbrittle, 1 fireshrimp, 1 huge hermitcrab, 1 feather something, 4 mushrooms(greenish in color and a lot(not that many) of snails.
The previous owners once had a reef going but their cat accidently pulled a plug and ...
I have had the aquarium going for two months and would like to add some more fish and inverts. :help:
Can anbody recommend me any species - I was thinking a wrasse, a royal grama, a urchin and maybe an anemone for my clownfish. I understand that the clownfish would be much happier with an anmone but I also understand that an anemone can be diffucult to maintain?
Thank you
Susanne :jumping:

My neighbours were moving cross country and gave me a 46 gallon aquarium with two clownfish, 1 majestic angel, 1 foxface, 1 starbrittle, 1 fireshrimp, 1 huge hermitcrab, 1 feather something, 4 mushrooms(greenish in color and a lot(not that many) of snails.
The previous owners once had a reef going but their cat accidently pulled a plug and ...
I have had the aquarium going for two months and would like to add some more fish and inverts. :help:
Can anbody recommend me any species - I was thinking a wrasse, a royal grama, a urchin and maybe an anemone for my clownfish. I understand that the clownfish would be much happier with an anmone but I also understand that an anemone can be diffucult to maintain?
Thank you
Susanne :jumping: