I Just got my NEW 90gal Set up! What filter should I get????


I just got a new 90 gallon tank and Black R&J enterprises stand with twintube floresent light, glass top, under gravel filerter with 2 660 powerheads, 40lbs of florida crushed coral, and an exter 48" actenic blue bulb for $530. everything was new. Im so excited!
I have had a 29gal set up for like 6 years and I have had it saltwater for 3.5 years. I am using my hang on the side wisper filter from the 29gal in the new 90gal so that it used the baacteria thats been growing in there. I want to set up the 29 gal again and us this same filter and get a new one for the 90 gal.
What is a good one to get? I dont want to spend over $80. I also want it to be super quite and a fantastic filter too. the 2 660 powerheads push 175 GPH each so I know the water has plenty of movment. What are some good choices?
Also Should I get a protein skimmer? what are the pros and cons if any cons.If I should get one, when should I get it??