i just got stung by a live rock?!?!?!?


Active Member
ok so today i bought my 24 nano cube instead of setting up the 55 because i had no where to put it. so while i was picking it out, i found this nice looking regular rock and everything was fine. measured it and brought it home. and started to put it in my qt since im not setting up my tank yet. and then i felt something like a bee sting go into my finger. i thought it would have just been a sharp rock so then i continued. after i was done. i turned on my desk light and looked at my finger because whenever i touch there it would hurt. and then i found what look like a bee stinger. it hurt and i just got it out. what could it be that have stung me. this is the second time i got stung. one was at the lfs getting the live rock and now.
some one please help thanks in advance


Active Member
thanks everyone for replying but what can i do to get it out? right now its in my qt tank with all my damsels (3). im setting up my tank tomarrow and i dont want to get stung again. i know i can get a six line wrasse but i cant get it yet since im setting up my tank. what can i do in the mean time? i have no idea where it is in the rock. any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks again everyone. :happy:


Bristleworms are good guys as long as you keep your big scary fingers away from them. :scared: They are detritis eaters. :happyfish Wear a latex glove the next time you handle that rock and you won't even know its there. The gloves without powder are cheap at any place with a



Staff member
Welcome to the world of marine aquaria. That is pretty common. If you have reactions that you can't bear, then always where plastic gloves when you stick your hands in the tank, especially when handling rock, corals.
If you use throw away gloves, as I have, be sure that are the non-powdered type.


I read the other day that if you have fish that locks down for the night in a hole in a rock such as a firefish goby. you need to get ride of the Bristle worm because it will eat the fish alive

shark bait

Hum well then how do the fish live in the wild? I would hope the fish was smart enough to move. :happyfish Just keep swiming....
Originally Posted by Johnljjr
I read the other day that if you have fish that locks down for the night in a hole in a rock such as a firefish goby. you need to get ride of the Bristle worm because it will eat the fish alive


Active Member
thanks everyone for responding. i might get one of those bristle worm trappers or maybe a sixline wrasse. i hope it wont eat my firefish. anyways shark bait isnt the phrase "just keep swimming" from finding nemo? lol i love that movie. ok back on topic. what other fish would eat the bristle worm?


Active Member
Get Aquarium gloves...I love mine....
Got stung by my rock anenome feeding him...I thought it was cute how he held onto my finger lol!! I didn't know till after when my finger was hurting like hell..
After that Aquarium gloves it was...

shark bait

Originally Posted by feixjai
thanks everyone for responding. i might get one of those bristle worm trappers or maybe a sixline wrasse. i hope it wont eat my firefish. anyways shark bait isnt the phrase "just keep swimming" from finding nemo? lol i love that movie. ok back on topic. what other fish would eat the bristle worm?