i just notice my hippo and my cowfish has ick how do i go about hypo ??


how much of water should i take out at a time or how slowly ? my tank is 144g to get 1.009 in 48hrs ?
thanxs 4 anyhelp


Active Member
Do you have live rock? Inverts? Coral? Hyposalinity cannot be done with any of those things in the same tank.


Originally Posted by Mega
how much of water should i take out at a time or how slowly ? my tank is 144g to get 1.009 in 48hrs ?
thanxs 4 anyhelp
You will have to pull out some water and add some fresh gradualy to see where that gets you. I cannot say an exact amount of gallons. Pull out about 20 gallons to start. Do not add 20 gallons of fresh back in all at once. Add a few gallons, then test the SG. Add a few more, then test again. Have you read the directions for hypo? Do you understand that hypo cannot be performed with LR or inverts? Do you have a refractometer? You will have to monitor the PH of the water. As the SG is lowered the buffering capacity is lowered as well. Test the PH of the source water. If the ph is low, be sure to add a buffer and allow it to mix well, using a powerhead, before adding it to the tank.