i keep hearing a POP sound in my tank


Active Member
i dont know if its a mantis....but ocausionally i'll just hear a pop sound in the tank. just one. then a while later again. while lights are on.. Maybe its a powerhead or something????
what else could it be? i am not missing any fish/inverts..
please tell me its not a mantis!!


Active Member
ah! how come i have never heard it before?
no other signs, and i dont hear clicking. its literally a loud pop, almost like something on the glass? the skimmer maybe?


OK Dan. I'll go out on the limb and tell you to check the powerheads as you originally suspected. Maybe clean them. I have a wavemaker on mine and if they 'pop' when they turn on, it's usually a piece of something that got into the impeller. Make sure the impellers are in the slots at both ends of the powerhead.
Otherwise, don't sleep with the lights off :rolleyes:


I know that in my tank when my mandarin eats something off of the glass it makes a loud pop/snap sound. But in your sig it says that the only fish you have are clown fish, and my clown has never done that. Just something to look for next time you hear it if you want to try to find another reason for it other than a mantis.


first just wait till lights out and throw some food in the front of the tank. you'll probably be able to catch him. if not get one of those small plastic poland spring water bottles, tie a string around the top, put some shrimp in it and put it close to where he hangs out. when he goes into the bottle to get the food just pull the bottle up with the string. if he's big you might want to try a bottle with a bigger opening. i did it once to catch a peppermint that i wanted to give to a friend. i drilled a lot of tiny holes in the bottle so that water could floow through. i left him in there for 2 days until the jerk(my friend) picked him up.


Active Member
so you guys think its the pistol shrimp??
ive got the 2 clowns...and a watchman and orange striped goby, catalina goby ( had him for 75 days or so)
and a tiny citron goby...
no madarin. i want my pods for corals/.


I had popping on one of my tanks for about a week. I was sure I had a mantis or some type of lowlife. The glass click/pop sound suddenly stopped. I found a 3 inch section of my glass hood in the tank later on. Kinda hoped it was going to be a mantis or something....


Just a thought but I chased down the sound of something "tapping" on my glass only to realize it was one of my larger and very clumsy hermits (sometimes my larger snails) negotiating the rocks at the back of the tank.... Got scared about a mantis because I would hear it way more during feeding.... of course thats when my hermits go nutz as well and start knocking into everything.
Just a thought.


Active Member
hrmm. I'll keep my eyes open. thanks for all of the tips
i put this pistol shrimp in there with my watchman goby. Big mistake. he destroys my sand bed!