I know ALOMST nothing about Seahorses... and want to...



Come around Christmas time I will have an empty tank (never good LOL) and was thinking about Seahorses. I have heard stuff about needing a constant supply of Baby Brine Shrimp and have heard that they like to have vertical movement for feeding. My tank's dimensions are: 19"H x 12.5"W x 24"L. I also wanted to make it a softie reef with the horses to go along... What do I need to do to keep these beauties alive? Thanks for the help!


Active Member
Hi, and welcome. here is a good place to start https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/315559/seahorse-compatibility-chart
and here https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/301907/sh-tank-basics
How many gal is that tank. I think its only a 20 gal which will be a little small for lrg breed horses like reidi, erectus and kuda. You could house a pair of H. Comes (aka tiger tails) or H. Barbouri (aka Barbs) They are both tropical species that only get 5 to 6 inch long. If they are Captive bred they will be eatting frozen mysis.


Thanks for the links! Is it easy to come across either of the species you mentioned? Thank you!


Active Member
For the first three species I would go 29 gal or higher. I use to have mine in a 37 gal cube. They need a tank that is close to x3 there length. The lrg species are around 7 inch so a tank that is close to 21 inches tall.
We aren't suppose to give out competitor sites, but have seen them for sale.
Now if you are planning an up grade, your tank would work for juvenile horses such as the Reidi SWF.com has in stock. But you would need a lrger tank in 6 mo or so.


Well-Known Member
I've put together a word document that might help you with more seahorse basics....PM me your email address and I'll email it over to you, if you're interested!