I know why my tang acts crazy...


For months my YT has had a strange behavior of acting calm, then darting around the tank, and even smacking his tail on the tank wall.
I posted about this awhile back, and was assured that tangs are strong swimmers, and absent of any other physical conditions, this was more or less normal behavior.
Well, the mystery has further unfolded. The timing of this behavior was fairly predictable - evening time - and always in relatively the same tank area - left 2/3 front area. The smacking of the tail and the upright fins seemed like an aggressive stance, more than just "strong swimming".
Then the "ah ha" finally hit...a few feet from the tank I have a black laquered baby grand piano...as evening sets in and the room lighting dims, the YT's reflection begins to show in the piano...and he's showing his reflection who the boss is! Unfortunately, the reflection is just as tough as him!!!
I've even proven my theory by covering the piano, which calmed him right down.
So now this raises a question...I know we want to keep our tanks as low stress as possible. Will his reflection stress him to the point of illness? He's perfectly healthy now, eats and looks great...definitely the king of the tank (even with that evening invader hanging around!) I don't know what my options will be if I get a dozen replies saying he's being stressed beyond belief - no other place to move the piano or the tank...


This is my sister Flo. No, seriously, If it's been months and he's still fine I would see no cause for concern.