I left a bad tip today...


Active Member
I totally miscalculated and left like a 14% tip this afternoon. At a restaurant I frequent often. To a waitress who's never been anything but nice to me. I feel like such a ----.


Active Member
I remember when a 10% tip was the expected norm

A very good friend of my grandma's went cross country with her son and his family years ago. On one of their last stops before getting back home they had stopped for lunch and the son asked if he could buy some toy that was for sale at the place they stopped to eat. His mom says no, it's too expensive. The boy says he has his own money and proceeds to pull out a pocket for of dollars and change. They asked where he got it. After the first couple places they stopped to eat he noticed his dad was leaving money on the table. So he was taking that after everyone had gotten up. Pretty soon he noticed there were some other empty tables with money left on them too.
Finders keepers

They weren't sure exactly when he started lifting the tips but it was kind of amazing the waitresses never spotted him taking the money. After the fact they did realize he always seem to be the last one to the car. Talk about embarrassment but at least the odds of them ever seeing any of those waitresses were pretty long.


Active Member
Go back on the same day she was there and CFR her to death. Don't forget to pay up though.


Active Member
Leaving a tip for a meal that is basically considered standard or regular in amount makes you feel like an ___???
Aim higher sir.....You let me down on this one.


Active Member
14%?? 15% is considered standard for good service.
I have relatives that pull out their coin purse for tips still.... my dad left 2 bucks on a 65.00 ticket one time because of the good service -- I had to lay down the last 8 bucks I had on me when he wasn't looking to try and do what I could.
But to fret over 1%? If you're there all the time I'm sure she knows you're a better tipper and probably just one of those times.
I've worked for tips before and that has made me a better tipper... but I refuse to leave one for bad service as it doesn't take that much effort to bring food or fill sodas.


Active Member
Everytime we go to dinner with my wifes grandparents they insist on paying the bill as well as the tip. They tip absolutley horibble so after every meal I always mysteriously have to go the bathroom so I can hunt down the waitress and make things right.


Active Member
You are counting on solid math abilities :p
But really, if it is bothering you...
If you stopped by and left her a bit more with a kind word (if possible?) that would make a bigger difference than the money in many respects....