I lost everything in my 150


Active Member
I just got thru burying EVERY fish that was in my 150 gallon tank. Tuesday morning my local substation took a DIRECT HIT from a bolt of lightning. I called the local power company and they reported it however I found out that they IGNORED ALL REPORTS FROM SOUTH OF I-80 TILL AFTER 5 PM that day so they could put all their crews into Chicago to get them repowered first. I had a UPS good for 30 hours to run my airpumps and one filter and one powerhead. However it took 54 hours to get power back.
My losses are all sigle fish of that type excpet for 2 scooter blenneys and a mated pair of false percula clowns. Here is a rundown of what died a 10 inch Emporer angel a 6 inch ADULT Koran angel. 8 inch Blue hippo tang aka Timex he had survived everything until this. 6 inch Yellow tang a 5 inch porc puffer 6 inch Luare wrasse my 24 inch SFE 8 inch Niger Trig and a 5 inch Huma Huma. My local power company is going to hate me when I am done with them with my damage claim I am estimating I am out over 2K in LR and Ls and fish and other things.


Active Member
Thats horrible....Can only imagine how helpless you must have felt.
I went through 2 Hurracanes in S. Carolina that only took 8 and 10 hours to get power back....54 hours is just shocking. Are you in a very rural area?


Active Member
I'm sorry this happened to you.
Unfortunately I don't think they will be paying that claim. They can claim force majour for the accident as it was a bolt of lightning that caused the power outage.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
I just got thru burying EVERY fish that was in my 150 gallon tank. Tuesday morning my local substation took a DIRECT HIT from a bolt of lightning. I called the local power company and they reported it however I found out that they IGNORED ALL REPORTS FROM SOUTH OF I-80 TILL AFTER 5 PM that day so they could put all their crews into Chicago to get them repowered first. I had a UPS good for 30 hours to run my airpumps and one filter and one powerhead. However it took 54 hours to get power back.
My losses are all sigle fish of that type excpet for 2 scooter blenneys and a mated pair of false percula clowns. Here is a rundown of what died a 10 inch Emporer angel a 6 inch ADULT Koran angel. 8 inch Blue hippo tang aka Timex he had survived everything until this. 6 inch Yellow tang a 5 inch porc puffer 6 inch Luare wrasse my 24 inch SFE 8 inch Niger Trig and a 5 inch Huma Huma. My local power company is going to hate me when I am done with them with my damage claim I am estimating I am out over 2K in LR and Ls and fish and other things.
Sorry for the loss. I'm sure no attorney; but I don't think the elec is legally liable for your loss. Maybe, but I doubt it. I'd invest in a small generator; I've been saved a couple of times by one. We lost power for about 3 days after Hurricane Georges in 1998 and I had small generator, just for fish and a bigger one for the house. They didn't help much during Katrina though. My fish were all returned to the sea (I doubt they got far); making some animal rights activists happy, I suppose.


Active Member
But what is in my favor is 1 they told me that all crews were pulled to Chicago to work there and I have that part on tape. 2 the local Police and then the Illinois also told them at 11 am Tuesday that the substation was out. 3 I also have them on tape saying that we will replace ANY LIVESTOCK in your tank you lost also.


Very sorry for your loss. But I think everyone with a big tank and investment should have a gas generator able to power the entire tank, minus the lights. A generator like that will run you around $500 but it's worth it.


Active Member
I had a bank of Batterys wired into an Invertor/Charger that when the power is on it keeps them charged however when I lost power it had a rated time of 30 hours a FULL DAY LESS than what it took to get power back.
Unfortunately your tank is not any different then the items in your refrigerator. You can put a rider onto your homeowners insurance to cover such situations but the electric company is not held responsible for loss of perishables. Also, they cannot physically get power back to everyone at the same time and have to start and finish somewhere. If they put your power on first it would just mean someone else had their power restored 54 hours later. I was without power about 5 years ago for 10 hours and it sucked. I bought a generator to power my pumps and heaters and used it the beginning of this summer.


Active Member
If you do get your money back I'd love to see a copy of that check. I'd say that would be a huge win for all of us who have to deal with power outages. I just don't think it's going to happen... having it on the tape or not.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
Sorry for the loss. I'm sure no attorney; but I don't think the elec is legally liable for your loss. Maybe, but I doubt it. I'd invest in a small generator; I've been saved a couple of times by one. We lost power for about 3 days after Hurricane Georges in 1998 and I had small generator, just for fish and a bigger one for the house. They didn't help much during Katrina though. My fish were all returned to the sea (I doubt they got far); making some animal rights activists happy, I suppose.
agree u screwed its a act of nature
ill give u a puffer 4 free!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
If you do get your money back I'd love to see a copy of that check. I'd say that would be a huge win for all of us who have to deal with power outages. I just don't think it's going to happen... having it on the tape or not.
It would also be a huge loss for everyone who pays an electric bill, the rates would go up.
What would be next? My cable/internet went out and I missed the best deal ever on e-Bay? I'll sue. My water went out and couldn't shower. I had B.O. for the job of a lifetime! The water company owes me big time! I'll bet that if your read your initial contract, you'll find a lot of disclaimers. I don't think power companies are even responsible for folks on home life support systems, that's why they all have generators. Life is full of risks; we have to assume some of them ourselves, IMO. I knew I didn't have flood insurance when Katrina wiped out my part of Mississippi. It was my choice to live there.


Active Member
I just read the power compaines online claim form and it states on their if over 30K people were affected at anytime with a loss of power WE being the utility company ARE RESPONIBLE FOR any losses due to the failure of Electrical equipment meaning if I am reading that right they are LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR MY LOSSES not to mention all the food I had to throw out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
I just read the power compaines online claim form and it states on their if over 30K people were affected at anytime with a loss of power WE being the utility company ARE RESPONIBLE FOR any losses due to the failure of Electrical equipment meaning if I am reading that right they are LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR MY LOSSES not to mention all the food I had to throw out.
I think this may be the key part:"failure of Electrical equipment". If the failure was not due to their negligence, like lightning, it may be tough to show that they are liable. But, just maybe, they are. Keep us posted.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
I just read the power compaines online claim form and it states on their if over 30K people were affected at anytime with a loss of power WE being the utility company ARE RESPONIBLE FOR any losses due to the failure of Electrical equipment meaning if I am reading that right they are LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR MY LOSSES not to mention all the food I had to throw out.
Can you post a link to that info?


Active Member
I didn't go over the whole thing; but I suspect the power co has an out with this or another , similar paragraph. I can't imagine utility companies being liable for consequential damage beyond their control.
"The Illinois Commerce Commission
may grant a waiver of the obligation to pay actual damages and reimbursement for emergency and contingency expenses for a power
interruption described in Section 16-125(e) in instances in which ComEd can show that the interruption was the result of one or more
of the following causes: (1) unpreventable damage due to weather events or conditions; (2) customer tampering; (3) unpreventable
damage due to civil or international unrest or animals; (4) damage to ComEd equipment or other actions by a party other than
ComEd, its employees, agents, or contractors. In addition, ComEd is not liable for claims for replacement value of goods damaged as"