I love anemones but they don't love me.


In the past 6 months I have had a carpet and now a long tentacle be introduced to my powerhead.
The carpet was doing fine for about 1 - 2 months then started moving around and found the powerhead on top of the aquarium. Yes I messed up and didn't put a cover/sponge over the powerhead.

However, just this weekend I was gone (packing up grandfathers house, not a great thing to do after a funeral). But I got home and found that the lta that I had for 3 - 4 months had been sucked up into the powerhead. I had a sponge covering the intake.
1. I unplugged the powerhead and let the lta unwind itself. It's now laying on the bottom moving a little, but it looks like it's mush at the top, the foot still looks in decent shape. Do I let it try to recover, or is it going to destroy my water quality?
2. Any suggestions on better coverage of the powerhead intake?


Active Member
Hmmmm not sure about powerfilter covers, but I would put active carbon in your filters to clear out and toxic chemicals the anemone may be giving off do to it getting squished. I have always used filters that came with some type of cover, never had the problem with animals getting sucked in.....I guess I would use some type of filter sponge to slip over the power filter end to keep fish and inverts from getting stuck.


I would let it recover. I had a pink tip that did that five times in two weeks and it has recovered, much smaller, but recovered.


Aquarists should KNOW BETTER!!!! Any slow moving/unintelligent creatures need to be protected from themselves. Always cover all intakes with foam or at the least with one of those plastic sleeves with slots. And experienced aquarists should know about heater guards too.
PROTECT YOUR LIVESTOCK !!!! It's not that hard.....really.
My lesson was learned after my porcupine puffer got stuck to the bottom of my powersweep. He had an enormous blister/bubble on his back for many months after.


He's asking for help...grow up
Considering I just got my BTA I'm not sure if yours will make it or not. I wouldn't give up on it. Give it extra attention and feed it mysis shrimp. Run Carbon.


Thanks Quasos.
I did have a sponge that I placed over the intake and had been fine until a large snail and a traveling anemone both climbed on at the same time.
can i just put a twisty tie (very scientific name) through the sponge to keep it on the intake?