I love my Condy


I have a condy that has grown and is doing great. It has been located in the same spot between two smaller pieces of LR on the sand bed for at least a month (since I moved the the LR around to throw off my 6 lines agression, it worked)
However, yesterday I got home and it had moved to the corner of the tank. Last night it had moved to another corner and had started to climb up the corner. I just talked to my wife and she said that it was nearly at the top! (I have a 55g and PC 4 X 65watts)
I've been feeding it regularly with shrimp and Marine Snow.
Is this ok/normal?


Very normal for a condylactis anemone, aka tumble weed anemone. For some they don't move, but for many they move all the time. Having changed a few things around it may simply be checking the tank out all over again.


Active Member
I would say, just be on alert for any non-anemone fish species in your tank. When my condy went on a little walk he managed to place himself right in my little bi-color angels swim route, very sad.