I love my dog.


Active Member
If any of you are bored.......take a look at my baby. This is Harlan Pepper

>My Dogma
His gallery isn't finished yet but, at least it's a start. :)
Please feel free to share some pics of your other pets if you want to.


Active Member
cute pup. I wish we could have a dog. Very sweet little face.
A little shepperd in there somewhere? Not very spoiled huh? :D


Active Member
That is a precious puppy! He certainly looks spoiled... and if he isn't, he should be! :D


I like the name of the thread, very to the point . I love my dog too, had him for 6 yrs. very smart dog. Id like to know what kind of dog he is too


mine patiently waiting for her new 'pets' to arrive, knows something is missing but not sure what...


Active Member
Cool pets guys.
Harlan is actually half Boxer, half Lab. He is now 11 months old and yes he is spoiled to death. :D


Active Member
Cute dog...
Does the name have anything to do with Christopher Guest's character from Best in Show??


Active Member

Originally posted by RobChuck
Cute dog...
Does the name have anything to do with Christopher Guest's character from Best in Show??

Walnut, Pinenut, Macadamia nut........:D :D


Active Member
aww dvs, i had a cockatiel that looked just like yours.. his name was houdini, he just died the other day, he got hurt on the cage


Active Member

Originally posted by doodle1800
Rye - what program do you use to create your web pages?

Hey Rich - I am just using smugmug (www.smugmug.com) right now to host some images while I build my new website. It works great.......very easy to use.


Active Member

Originally posted by DvSKiN
then he usta not been as good as houdini in escaping cages, huh??? Just playing!! LoL I've had chuckie for like 10 years now!

houdini figured out how to get out of the cage even when wrapped in chicken wire, he was a great bird, only hand tamed one


Well it seems we have a theme going... Pug #3 on the thread... this is my boy, Jeter. :)