I LOVE the new water change feature on the CSS125!!! :(


Anyone else noticed the wonderful feature of the CSS125 where it does ur water changes for u? Yeah, I didn't know about it either. Mine will keep a constant level for weeks a when I deems that I need an additional water change, it decides to dump 2 - 5 gallons of water out onto my floor! Then I have to replace all the water after cleaning the old water up. I couldn't be happier! The company that developed this marvel of technology should pat themselves on the back and then slam their heads in their refrigerator door repeatedly until blackout occurs. I have a gallon milk jug as an overflow for the skimmer but evidently I need an overflow for the overflow so when the skimmer decides to flip OUT, the water makes its way back in the tank. I will never but or recommend one of these again. I miss my AquaC remora so bad.


Thanks. The next time it happens, my great danes are going to have the most expensive chew toy they've ever had besides each other. It has done it probably about five times. I keep the bubble-line at the bottom line before it tapers up to a smaller hole. I clean it completely every water change. It just annoys me because the water is ruining the bottom of my tank stand which was custom built and the floor under it. Think I will build an overflow that if it fills up, it overflows back into the sump. was hoping I wouldn't have to but this ridiculous. It doesn't even skim well. Either nothing or too watery. I might scrap it and just get the remora pro. I loved my old remora and it made great foam everyday.

sign guy

Active Member
my coralife super skimmer 65 dose the same thing. for some reason evry month or so the cup fills its self and overflows a gallon or two


Active Member
mines worked fine for a year, up until about 2 weeks ago. ive had the same problem twice in the last week. im gunna take it apart and give it a good cleaning, i think thats all it needs.



Originally Posted by RiDoMart
Or be a smart consumer and address the problem to the maker and not on here.
Mine does not do that. Maybe I am doing something wrong


i'm with myreef on this one. had mine for about 6 months and it hasn't happened to me yet. cross my fingers and knock on wood.
best of luck with it tho.


Active Member
Perhaps I missed it, but how is it overflowing? It can't just suddenly decide to malfuntion on its own.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Perhaps I missed it, but how is it overflowing? It can't just suddenly decide to malfuntion on its own.
It kinda dose. in my experiances ill come home from work or wake up in the am and see my sump is low thats when I see that my skimmer cup full out of nowhere. I dont add but dt's to my tank so I cant imagine whats cousing it


Active Member
Any change in feeding? I am with Viper that these things dont just happen. Usually its from something like a bad recipe of homeade food or something of the like. Or the venturi being clogged with salt or otherwise, then something wets it and lets a huge inflow of air leading to such extreme wetskimming.


clean the venturi....I have to clean mine out at least once a month because the salt build up closes it up mighty fast. I have had mine 4 months now and clean the pump every 2 months and venturi once a month.


Active Member
mine did that once, (caused the big tank crash of 06) then I put it in sump. damn thing just works so good I cant get rid of it, they definatly need to sell it as an in sump only unit.
viper the adjustment nozzles on these are so touchy you could accidently bump it when dumping the skimmer cup and an hour later water everywhere, usually it freaks during waterchanges. everytime mine Has done it I figured out the reason, usually I catch it before it becaomes a mess but the one time I left town.......


Active Member
Crap. Now I'm worried. I was planning on having mine hang on my sump/fuge. I have room for it in my sump but that would eliminate my fuge. I'm pretty anal about things and was intending on keeping up on maintenance and keeping the air hose free of salt build up to prevent it from overflowing. As I understood it this is what causes it to crap out. Now I need advice, should I try it as HOB or place it in sump?


Active Member
In sump, there are a lot of horror stories of moppin floors, when mine freaked out it cost me every one of my Brittle stars, I personally would rather have the protien go back into the tank than all over the floor.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
In sump, there are a lot of horror stories of moppin floors, when mine freaked out it cost me every one of my Brittle stars, I personally would rather have the protien go back into the tank than all over the floor.
I'll make the change which requires me ripping out one baffle. Which means no fuge
b/c it's a 10g. Now I need to figure a way to house some chaeto in there with my skimmer?