Active Member
I had posted on here a bit ago that I was moving next door and had to move my 12 gal and asked how to do it.
My husband wanted to just pick it up and carry it, but I was afraid it would break or crack under the pressure and stess.
Well I took out about 4 gals. of water and he just picked it up and carried it next door. It all went smooth except the front door was locked (he wanted to kill me
) so I had to run around the house and unlock it.
It got stirred up a little. There was some sediment that settled on the bottom. I added four new gallons of water and plugged it in, left the lights off all night and it looks good.
The sand bed is clear of all that sediment.
My toadstool hasn't opened yet and a couple of my red mushrooms look like the edges are white. But everything else looks great.
Someone had mentioned that even if the tank survived the trip it might have damage you wouldn't see for a while so I will keep an eye out for leaks and stuff. I'm also testing everyday again for a while in case it does decide to cycle again or something.
Anyway, just wanted to thank everyone for their advise and let you know it made it here just fine.
My husband wanted to just pick it up and carry it, but I was afraid it would break or crack under the pressure and stess.
Well I took out about 4 gals. of water and he just picked it up and carried it next door. It all went smooth except the front door was locked (he wanted to kill me

It got stirred up a little. There was some sediment that settled on the bottom. I added four new gallons of water and plugged it in, left the lights off all night and it looks good.

My toadstool hasn't opened yet and a couple of my red mushrooms look like the edges are white. But everything else looks great.
Someone had mentioned that even if the tank survived the trip it might have damage you wouldn't see for a while so I will keep an eye out for leaks and stuff. I'm also testing everyday again for a while in case it does decide to cycle again or something.
Anyway, just wanted to thank everyone for their advise and let you know it made it here just fine.