I must have R.AD.D.


REEF ATTENTION to DETAIL DISORDER. Im planing on aqua-scaping the tank again. Went into a local LFS and got some inspiration for a new design. Their tank at the entry way looks amazing. I asked if they used (epoxy, pvc) to make all of the bridges and cliffs, and they said "NOPE". "It was all done by picking out the right rock".

I have some nice rock in my tank but man i sure wish I could trade some of it for some of their pieces.


Well-Known Member
Eh, anyone with some good chunks of Caribbean live rock and some nice sized slabs of Tonga shelf can do a halfway decent aquascape.
Too bad Tonga is no longer exporting its live rock for a few years...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by DETANE
REEF ATTENTION to DETAIL DISORDER. Im planing on aqua-scaping the tank again. Went into a local LFS and got some inspiration for a new design. Their tank at the entry way looks amazing. I asked if they used (epoxy, pvc) to make all of the bridges and cliffs, and they said "NOPE". "It was all done by picking out the right rock".

I have some nice rock in my tank but man i sure wish I could trade some of it for some of their pieces.

Always be picky about your rock. I selected each piece for my tank. It is the one constant that will always be there....fish change, coral change...I even upgraded the lights...the rocks remain the same. My only regret...I wish now I had made a rock wall when my tank was new and empty.