I'm looking for pre-drilled glass tanks of smaller than 100 gallon to start my fish wholesale business. So if you have this please let me know ASAP and we can talk. I'm in Southern California. :scared:
try aquabid dot com its a free auction site for fish related items only .its listed from world wide sellers you may be able to find a store going out of biz
where in southern california are you going to start this project up? if it gets running id love to come by and check it out. i live in San Juan Capistrano
I'm going to put it in Ontario, off grove street. This is down the street from Bayou, a major southern california pet supplies wholesaler. I'll be building it hopefully within the next 2 months. Depending on lease negotiations and finding tanks.
I have everything that you need to get that wholesale up and running but I'm located in NJ.Tanks,skimmer,sumps,nice wet dry,lighting,UV, ect. I think it's a little to far to make a deal though. Joe in NJ dolly@superlink.net
I have a 120 gal acrylic tank sitting in my garage with a pine stand. I live in Ridgecrest CA about 2 hr drive from Ontario. E-mail me at jeffrat27@yahoo.com if interested.