I need a good fish mix for 24g Nano


We currently have a 24g Nano with 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 Clarkii Clown, 1 Mexican Turbo, 5 bl hermits. What else should we get
. We are open to all options, but NO damsels
Help me fill it


A good combination of fish would be a pair of ocellaris clownfish and a royal gramma or something like that.
i would recomend a blue green chromis,(Maybe) a sleeper goby,a flame scallop would be cool, a feather duster, you could maybe try a yellow tang,peppermint shrimp.Im not sure how long youve had your tank but i would love to see some pictures after youve made so additions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fish are good
i would recomend a blue green chromis,(Maybe) a sleeper goby,a flame scallop would be cool, a feather duster, you could maybe try a yellow tang,peppermint shrimp.Im not sure how long youve had your tank but i would love to see some pictures after youve made so additions.

NNNNOOOO on the yellow tang!!!


Active Member
Banjaii (I forgot the actual name but thats close
) cardinal are cool. DO NOT get a flame scallop either, they need a huge tank to flourish and lower water quality. Fire fish are awesome. Keep in mind though about your bioload, a 24g cannot support all that many more fish. If I were you I would fill your tank with some coral.