i need a good meal!!!


ive order a lionfish that came in dec 19th. he is about 2 inches. he lives in a 55gal. all water conditions are fine. 0,0,low. ive tryed to feed him frozen shrimp, frozen squid, live minnows, frozen bloodworms, live crayfish (that walked around for 2 days before it died of natural sea death), and even betta bites. he's got to be starving. help:help:


one more thing. im new to lionfish, although i did research them before i got him. it is a volitan. he stays close to the top of the tank most of the day, not perched on anything. at night (when the lights are out), he sleeps on a rock. lights go on, hes back floating by the top. is this normal? is he waiting for a lobster dinner?
what else is in the tank with him? he'd be best to be alone until he eats for awhile. have you tried ghost shrimp? what kinds of frozen shrimp have you tried? Id reccomend trying alot of types. i.e. brine shrimp, frozen cocktail shrimp(uncooked), krill shrimp, mysis shrimp etc...


the package just said shrimp tail meat. its by aqua yums. he is in a tank with a blue damsel, and a medium flame angel.


lfs said the mollies will be coming in tonight, so i tryed 4 ghost shimp. they did the trick!! your a genious!!