I need a good test kit plz


New Member
I've had my tank for about 6 month's and it was going pretty good but now some of my fish have died and i dont know why.So now i need a good test kit and real advice plz. Thank you!:help:


New Member
Thanks for the info, I was also wondering which type of test (marine or reef)? I've also included a list of my equipment and live stock along with a picture of my set up so I can get some expert input on what I have or need?
My tank contains:
1 yellow tang
1 coral beauty
1 flame angel
1 yellow gobie
1 damsel
1 coral banded shrimp
1 lettuce slug
some flower pot coral
lots of hermit crabs and snails
I also have about 45 pounds of live rock
As for equipment;
58 gallon oceanic tank
rena canister filter xp2 upto 75 gallons I also added ceramic rings and bio stars
sea clone 150
coralife light 130 watts
hood light 25 watts
1 zoo mead power sweep up to 30 gallons
Thank you !


i love my aquarium pharmaceuticals saltwater master kit. it tests for ammo, nitrites, nitrates, and pH and is easy to use. Those tests are the "big 4". you should also monitor Alk., and Calcium at a minimum.
I know Salifert tests are highly recommended also.