I need a light for a 36" mini reef!

hey guys, im about to move so i have to break down my 125g. luckily i still have a few of the 25g acrylic tanks i had for sale so im going to put everything in a few of those while i make the move. the tank is ready to go except for the lighting. i need a 30"-36" ish light, preferably a mh or maybe some t5's. im open to all options right now. thanks SWF.com!!!


New Member
I have a 4 week old 36" Current nova extreme t5 fixture(I Have Receipt)
2 X 10K
2 X actinic
3 lunar led
Flawless paid $212.00 asking $160.00
Originally Posted by ejreyes6
I have a 4 week old 36" Current nova extreme t5 fixture(I Have Receipt)
2 X 10K
2 X actinic
3 lunar led
Flawless paid $212.00 asking $160.00
i have a deal pending on a tek 36" t5 4 bulb. but im still open to ideas. is $160 shipped? got any pics? do those have the individual reflectors? if you have pics send them to mustangcaleb@aol.com please. thanks alot!
I have a JBJ PC light w/ new bulbs (1month old have receipt) and 3 blue moon lights. I'll sell it for $120.00 plus shipping. The light has 3 fans, an acylic bulb shield and the mounting legs. Really nice unit, I'm willing to sell only because I need to use MH for my new corals and anemone.
thanks alot! i really appreciate your efforts! but i dont think ill be able to use them bc im trying to keep an anemone myself. id REALLY like to find some t5's. i found a small little flourescent in my bros snake supplies that i put over the tank until i find something nice. as soon as i find some good lights ill move everyone over into this tank, but heres an idea...
Originally Posted by markeo99
lookin good

does yours gurgle like a toilet?
lol, i wouldnt say like a toilet, but the overflow is kinda loud. but right now, i have my test kit box covering the top of the overflow, which makes it like 200x quieter. what kind of flow do you have going through yours? i think the reason mine is so loud is that im using a mag 5 for a return pump, so the overflow isnt just trickling; it looks like niagra falls in there, lol