I posted this in the fish forum also. I did not get many takers, let me know what you think of this
Have you ever heard of or used a product called S.A.T. It is marine brand by TLC aquarium and pond products. It is used for getting rid of hair alge. It says good for reef tanks. It says it is a bacteria that out competes bad algea for food, but it does not affect "good algea types".You use it 1 ounce for every 10 gallons and use it once a month. I am interested in your opinions.
Have you ever heard of or used a product called S.A.T. It is marine brand by TLC aquarium and pond products. It is used for getting rid of hair alge. It says good for reef tanks. It says it is a bacteria that out competes bad algea for food, but it does not affect "good algea types".You use it 1 ounce for every 10 gallons and use it once a month. I am interested in your opinions.