I need a skimmer


Please help!! I have a 75 that will in time be a reef. I am ready to purchase a skimmer and the lfs here wants to sell me a ASM G1X for $300. I know that on one website I found it for $220. That was for the skimmer and a pump. Reading on here I've seen alot of people have the Remora series. And was hoping for advise on what to buy. Thanks.


I have a Remora and a EuroReef, very similar to the G1X. The ER pulsl ALOT more out of the water then my Remora. If my ER breaks, I'll buy an ER or ASM before hooking in my Remora.


I would go with an ASM g1 or even the g2. The g2 says its rated for a 200g, but its really recommended for a 100g. My buddy has a G2 on his 75 reef and its works great. I have the g3 on a 150g fowlr. We are both happy with the ASM. So I say the G1 will work, but I recommed the G2, its not too much more for what you get.