I need advice!

My daughter wil be 2 years old in a week and I have all the party stuff ready. However the theme I'm doing is Finding Nemo I bought everything I could find at the party stores for the event. But I was thinking I have a 1 gallon fish tank which I used for my feeders in the past. And wanted to buy 1 Percula (a really small one) and place it in the tank to put next to the cake and after ward I'll put him in my tank. But I want to know if any anyone had any feed back on my idea.:happyfish:thinking: :notsure: :needhelp:


Active Member
We tried to do something similar at my daughter's kindergarten class. The clownfish just laid on its side pretending to be dead as long as there were kids around. It was a lot of work for not a great experience.
I'd be concerned with having a small tank around several kids that age. Be prepared that someone will reach in the tank, feed the fish cake, spill the tank, etc..
I'd probably just make a stuffed Nemo the centerpiece.
P.S. - Are you using a Quarantine tank?

Originally posted by elfdoctors
We tried to do something similar at my daughter's kindergarten class. The clownfish just laid on its side pretending to be dead as long as there were kids around. It was a lot of work for not a great experience.
I'd be concerned with having a small tank around several kids that age. Be prepared that someone will reach in the tank, feed the fish cake, spill the tank, etc..
I'd probably just make a stuffed Nemo the centerpiece.
P.S. - Are you using a Quarantine tank?

no i'm not.


That's so cool. I never had this kind of party when I was 2. But I think if you can have everything under control, then it could be a good experience IMO. You mentioned that the fish is gonna be in a 1g right??? I am assuming that you took water out of your main tank right??? and acclimate the fish like any other fish right??? If the answers are yes yes and yes, then I think the fish would be alright in that small of a tank for a few hours.


If you take a handful of sand from your established aquarium, along with the 1 gallon of water. I think you'd be fine for an hour or so at the party. Though it probally would be stressful and a high potential for someone "feeding" Nemo some cake, like Elf mentioned.