
ok guys here is my situation.. i've had my FO
20 gal tank (Salt) for over 1 month... the tests are all good every week. when should i do my first water change? i get brown algae on sand and glass but i mix the sand and clean the glass quickly, should i let the algae grow a lot since it might be part of the cycle? when should i expect nitrates and ammonia to go up.. i have 3 small damsels. i wontget corals or inverts until i get a skimmer and better lighting. is it logical for the tests to come out normal for the first month of the cycle with the fish in the tank?

kris walker

Active Member
Ah, a fellow late-nighter!
The magnitude of your cycle, if you get one, will depend if you have cured liverock or not. If you do, then odds are you may not get a huge cycle--small spikes. If you don't, what has been your biological filteration for the last month? Biowheel? Undergravel filter? If yes to either, you should get a big spike since the bacteria need to colonize your new biomedia.
Many people say for FO or reef tanks to do 20% water changes once a month at the least, regardless of nitrate level. I think it is also a good practice, but I don't know how necessary it is for FO. Some people don't do it for reefs and they seem to have success with their corals.
If you have no means of dealing with nitrates (no lr or dsb), you will have to do water changes to lower them, even after your cycle. In that case, base your water-change rate on how fast your nitrates accumulate. Above 40 ppm is a good time for a change in FO. DOn't know about reefs, but speculate above 20 ppm.
The brown algae is prob. diatoms, and is normal during a 2-4 week period after setting up a saltwater tank. It will go away naturally.
Yes, a skimmer is a great piece of equipment that I would recommend. And it sounds like you know you need strong lighting for corals.
good luck,


yeah, like Sam said. Test your water on a regular basis. Always know what your water quality is.


Active Member
Call me crazy or even lucky but I'v had no problems with my water in 4 months.Ever since I set it up it's been perfect.I do water changes once a month and it's not even 20%.I get my water tested every week and it's consistantly the same.Amm. at 0,nitrates at 0 and nitrites at 0.My calcium stays around 390 to 400 and my iodine is good.I'm carefull to not over feed and keep the algea spic and span.


Yes let those diatoms grow...bow down to the power of the brown algae...ahh ha ha ha ha haaaaaa *evil laughter*
When you are up to your armpits in hair algae you'll beg for the days of a simple brown beauty.