I Need advise from Nano owners,,,


OK, I have a 14g Nano. It will be ready to start adding livestock in 2 weeks, It is going to be a Reef tank, Some leathers, Zoos, Zenia, and maybe some Easyer SPS.
My Questions to you are:

What fish do you recommend for this size tank?
How big of a Cleanup Crew?
Would a Pair of Coral banded shrimp be OK in this size?


Fish could be goby's, maybe a pair of clowns, some of the smaller fish. It's kind of a decent list so you have some options, but it's better to post what fish you want, and then people can tell you if they will be ok. Clean up crew should be around 20 collectively snails and crabs. I like to stay away from hermit crabs though with a reef cause they like to climb around and knock over stuff. Also, idk about the shrimp question, hopefully someone else will chime in for that question

eric b 125

i dont think the coral banded shrimp will do well in your tank. i've heard horror stories of them nipping at corals. i'd say substitute a cleaner shrimp if you must have one.


Active Member
Hi, I would start off slow. Add lots of cycled live rock to start. Pick a fish wish list that is appropriate for that size tank, then plan on adding the most timid fish of the bunch first so it can establish it's territory. Wait 3 weeks and add one or two more. Cleaner or sexy shrimp would be a better match for that size tank or a goby/pistol shrimp pair.
I have a pair of false perc. clowns, a neon goby and a small shrimp goby in my nano with a handful of inverts. Just my 2cents but I would start with 2 sand sifting type snails, 2 algae eating snails and 3 or 4 small hermits, I like the blue legs because they are so small they are not knocking things around like someone had mentioned above. You can always add to your cleanup crew as you go but remember there needs to stuff for them to 'clean up' and 14 gallons is a small tank.
If you do a search for nano fish you may find some lists of appropriate canidates. have fun and good luck!!


Active Member
No on the pair of coral bandeds. I can't speak to their reef compatibility, but two in a tank that small will kill each other.


Active Member
Sorry, no, not if they're a breeding pair. Didn't know that was what you meant.
OTOH, the pair will kill anything they percieve as a threat, meaning other shrimp especially, and quite possibly unsuspecting fish like Gobys. Coral Banded's are not the nicest of critters, and a 14gal tank is smaller than their territory would be in nature, so essentially, the whole tank belongs to them.