I need advise please


Hi All,
My tank been running for the past 8 months and everything is perfect. My Sebae and clowns are doing well,BUT, i noticed that i have some problem with Cyno and Greenish algae i all over the tank. i have to scrub or clean it off every few days.
I tried the lights off method, for 3 days and it did wonders with my tank (Less development for both algae and Cyno). But it started again yesterday (Cyno & algae), I am bit worried that swicthing off my lights wont be good for the sebae and coraline. Please advise


Might need to up the flow in your tank. How big is your tank and is the return pump strong enough ? What are the GPH ??


Ummm..... i have:
6 Turbo Snails
1 Hermit
Ph = 8.2
SG = 1.022
ammonia,nitrite, and nitrate = non existance
And not RODI unit
I need to check my pump GPH......
10G Nano tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by mojohoojo
phospate how do i get that again? feeding is very careful, not to over feed. extra food will be taken out.
You could be getting impurities from your water. Need to topoff and mix sw with ro water only.
What food are you feeding?
How often and size of water changes?
What type of lights and what age?
Would be better for your anenome if your SG is 1.025-1.026.

Nanos are difficult to keep good quality water.