I need an OVERFLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cap'n pete

Email me. I can build you one with the same features as a LifeReef and a flow rate of approx. 750 gph. Auto startup after power failure and quiet. $55 plus $4.50 s/h.

cap'n pete

I've got your guys' emails and will respond individually tommorrow. I'll be happy to build an overflow for anyone who wants one. I may have to find another supplier of parts, I've bought out all my LFS stock. Right now I'm going to bed... very late and very tired! Later.

cap'n pete

Well, here it is. This is actually one I'm building for someone who wanted at least 950 gph. It will ship with dual u-tubes. I hooked it up to a friends tank pushing 1200 gph and it would have keep up if I could have got the inner box all the way into the tank. The lip of the tank was a little wide. If anyone is interested contact me. I will need to know what size tank, pump, and how wide your tank lip is. Price is subject to change, but for now is as follows.
Model 700
- $55.00 plus S/H
flow rate approx. 750 gph
single 1 1/8" u-tube
6' line
1 1/4' bulkhead
Model 1400
- $65.00 plus S/H
flow rate approx. 1400 gph
dual 1 1/8' u-tube
6' line
1 1/4" bulkhead
Hurricane XT
- $85.00 plus S/H
flow rate approx. 2000 gph
dual 1 1/2" bulheads
dual 6' lines

cap'n pete

Another view.
Note flow rates are estimates from a certain overflow company online. I was told by a LFS that 1 1/8" ID u-tubes are rated at 500 gph, but believe them to be able to handle at least 700 gph. I am currently looking for bigger u-tubes and will use them once I find some.

cap'n pete

Flow rate is dependant on several factors. How much water the u-tube can handle, how much water the bulkhead can handle, restrictions, water drop distance, yadda yadda yadda. The biggest factor on these overflows is that they have a large bulkhead. If you put an additional u-tube on something like a 3/4" bulkhead, it can only handle so much water. Think of it like this, you have two buckets. One has a 1/2' hole and one has a 6" inch hole. Which one can you poor water into faster without it overflowing the top? Make sense?

cap'n pete

You convinced to buy one yet? Get 'em now while they're cheap! LOL
ps- If you buy one I'll take off all this junk and make my own post!:D

zack schwartz

Active Member
Hey capn pete I would love to buyh one but a finachel problem just occureds so maybe in a few monthes good luck with your bunnisses:D :(