So i traded in my two clown fish that i had last week for a two new tank breed percula clown fish which cost a dollar more. They are baby one now. Let me know are they doing all right in the tank? I did a 2.5 gallon change. Doing a W/C after just adding them in the tank could that affect them in anyway? I have two water pump in the tank current. one is running at 85 GPH and the other is at 60 GPH so in total i have 145 GPH. It that too strong of a wave for the tiny percula clown fish? Let me know! Here is a video of them. I want to do another water change to lower my nitrate. or should wait till next week? Would stirring up old stuffs on the bottom could cause any ammonia spike? what not and so? Early Thank you for everyone that took their time to read and comment. Also thanks for dropping by!
Oh I did get 3 Astrea snail but that all they had left.