i need fish


well i put the 75gal on hold but got the 10 up and running, i have about 15 pounds of really nice liverock and 20 pounds of livesand, the only thing in the tank now is 2 red hermits a sallylight foot, emerald crab and some unknown hitchicker snails. i just bought a nice rock with about 10 or so red shrooms and about 5 green ones on it, now i need fish!!!! i figured on only putting 3 small fish in there and was wondering what would be some really nice colorful fish? im not to much into clowns so any other suggestions would be nice. i seen a pic in the photo board of a midas blenny, really liked it, can i put it in a ten and if so what would be good to add with him? maybe a purplefirefish? i dont know theres so many to choose from..........lol:)

sea goblin

If you want to get a Midas Blenny, then i think maybe a royal grama would be good. The problem with the purple fire fish is that it and the blenny will likely inhabit the same area, and with similar body size and shape they might fight. look into it though..and good luck with your 10 gallon, it sounds nice.
Sea Goblin