I need flora!


All I have is an 18" Reef Sun 50/50 Tube on my tank. 30 gal bow.
(15 watts, 6500K trichromatic daylight phosphor and actinic 420 phosphor in the same lamp)
Is there any plant life that I can keep alive with this set-up to add some color and variety to my tank, i.e. how about star polyps or mushrooms? Anything else?


Get more light! For goodness sake, it will make a huge amount of difference to your tank.
Flora are plants. You can get caluperpa (sp?) and other algaes which should work with low light, if there is some sun light reaching your tank. Your fish will love it.
Mushrooms are critters, as are polyps (fauna). They may live with such low light, but will not thrive.