I Need Help Asap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



Ok I Have A Pair Of Clownfish They Have Ben In My Tank About 5months Or So Everything Is Going Good They Have A Bubbletip Anemone And They Host It Very Well Then All Of A Sudden I Notice My Female Attacking The Male So I Contacted My Lfs And They Sed That They Are Trying Tostart Breeding And That It Is A Very Rough Time Well Ive Ben Watching Them Very Closley And The Male Is Not Responding He Is Runningfrom Her And The Female Is Rally Beating Him Up And Its Getting Worse Is This Normal Or Should I Take The Male Out I Dont Want Him To Get Killed And If He Does Can I Put A Bigger Clown In As A Replacement Or Will The Female Kill Him To Plz Help I Dont Know What To Do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Leave them be. They are going through the mating process. The larger (female) will start to beat up on the male showing dominance, until he submits then she will continue to beat him up. Eventually he will come around and become submissive.
IMO leave them alone.


Active Member
+1 leaving them alone is all you can do. They won't fight long.
PS The way you write (caps on all words) is very difficult to read. Also if you can, please break the long paragraph into shorter sentences.


Well thats jus the thing.The male isint fighting back hes jus letting her beat him up. In myeyes thas submissiv enough. But she wont stop he looks really bad and he has no more energy. Hes just laying there im scared that she is going to kill him. This has ben going on for about 4-5 days now. How long will they fight????