I need help ASAP on T5 lighting


Ok so i have a standard 48 inch lighting strip for my 72 gal bowfront tank. It quit working this week so I wanted to upgrade to a t5.
Do i need to get a fixture that has a fan to run t5's? ( i have power compacts on my 54 gal tank and it got so hot it broke my glass cover 2 times so we put in mesh metal and now is fine)
Also i need to know what a t5 is?:wattage?, can i get one at lowes or does it have to be at a pet store? I mean i dont know what im looking for if I went in and asked them if they had it in stock, i woudnt know what to tell them.
Help please thank you!!!! :)


Active Member
well , My fav. t5 light is the Nova Extreme HO t5's it comes with fans built in and docking mounts to keep it off the glass. I think they cost a little under 200.00 for the 48in. I have it on my 75 reef and LOVE them!! most bang for the buck and they have the moon lights and Actinic's built in also. The best HO t5's for the money IMO
shop around on line for the best price , you will be very happy


so you think that is the best one? Do you know what companies make them or who the distibuter is? Summit pet, royal pet seoutheatern pet? Thanks!


Current USA makes the Nova Extreme. Many online retailers carry them. Do a google search and I am sure that you will find them.
Also, what corals are you looking to be able to keep? The 4 bulb may be plenty but if you are looking to keep things like SPS and clams it will not be enough. You might be better off looking at the Nova Extreme Pro. It would open your choices up a lot.
Also 4 foot T5 HO bulbs are 54W a peice. You are not going to find bulbs at Lowes or HD for them that put out light in the right color range to be useful to the corals that we keep.


Active Member
There are two things that make T5ho such a good lighting system; individual reflectors, and active cooling. You want a fixture that has individual reflectors as they can increase light output by 300% compared to only a bulb. T5ho also have their greatest output within a certain temperature range.
If you are going with a Current fixture then go with the 6-bulb Nova PRO. I would swap out the stock bulbs for a better brand like Giesemann, ATI, and UVL.


As of right now i only have my fuzzy dwarf, a foxface,hermit crabs, snails, and a lawnmower blenny. I have my 54 gallon tank for corals. But i do want algae to grow on my lace rock.