I need help, my new fish keep dying


I need help. Every time I bring home a new fish, it dies, and I can’t figure out why. I used to put new fish directly into my main tank and they always thrived, but after experiencing a couple of ich wipeouts, I won’t be doing that again. New fish now go in a 20g QT tank.
In the last 6 months I’ve lost 3 yellow tangs, 2 flame angels, and a firefish goby, most died within 24hrs. In a couple cases, the fish lived for a few days, but refused to eat. NOT ONE new fish has lived. This week I brought home a firefish and a small yellow tang. The goby was dead in 12 hrs, the tank in 24. These were beautiful, healthy fish that were at the LFS for weeks.
I have the LFS feed the fish for me so I can see them eat. Then they hold the new fish for a week or two before I take them, during which time they eat and thrive. I’ve brought fish home from two different LFS’s, with the same results – quick death. As you can imagine, I’m pretty discouraged.
Tank Specifics:
20g, about 2 cups of crushed coral on the bottom. (Used to be bare bottom, but I added the CC to make it a little more interesting). Back and sides are covered with black vinyl (outside) to make the fish feel a little more secure. 5 pieces of PVC in there, and a small hand-sized piece of live rock. I rinsed the PVC thoroughly. 200w Ebo-Jager heater, HOB Bio-wheel filter.

(measured this week when I brought the fish home)
SG – 1.018 w/ refractometer (same as LFS)
Ammo: 0 – new kit
Nitrite: 0 – new kit
pH: ~8.5 – new kit - (not sure what LFS was)
Temp: 80
Nitrate: didn’t measure
Alk: didn’t measure
The QT has been up and running for 4 months. It is fully cycled, and there's a little algae growth here and there. I initially set it up to treat all my existing fish for ich with hyposalinity, which was successful. I had my 3 existing fish in the tank for 2 months, they were all fine. Over the last 2 months I’ve had a small 1” blue yellowtail damsel in the QT, he went through hypo also, and I just put him in the main tank this week. He’s been great the whole time in the QT.
I usually put new fish in a container and either drip or add ½ cups of water every few minutes. I usually do a 90m acclimation.
That my existing fish all lived in the QT for months and were healthy seems to indicate the QT is OK, as opposed to something toxic in there that would kill them. So why are new fish unable to survive in there? Is there some parameter that is far enough out of range from the LFS that is shocking them and they die from the sudden change? pH shock, for instance?
I have my heater fully submerged, and was wondering about stray voltage. That’s easily remedied by pulling the top of the heater out of the water.
I also thought about taking a water sample to the LFS and seeing if they come up with anything.
That aside, I really don’t know what to do next. Aside from blowing a few hundred $$$ on dead fish over the last 6 months, I‘m getting depressed. This is supposed to be fun!


Hi i'm still fairly new here also. From what your saying & let me make sure I got it right. The fish live fine in your qt. right, then when you put them in your main tank they die? I would first test the water parameters for the qt tank & then I would test the parameters in your main tank. See if there if any kind of a difference, then I think I would still take a sample from each tank, label it & take it to the lfs & ask them to test each one & then compare their results with yours. By doing that you can either find out exactly where you stand as far as your water is concerned. I would'nt put any more fish in just yet though, try to find out what is wrong first. By the way after you have a fish die how long are you waiting before you put a new fish in to replace it?



Originally posted by CJEFFREY77
let me make sure I got it right. The fish live fine in your qt. right, then when you put them in your main tank they die?

Ummm, no. They die as soon as they come home from the LFS and go in my QT. Those that I already HAD in my QT lived fine, and are now happily in my reef tank.


Sounds like the LFS in your area have some seriously unhealthy fish (I wonder if they are getting them from the same source?). If the fish are all dying after you put them in your tank, the stress of moving is killing them. The fish might look good in the LFS tank but once you take them out of that environment = dead!
Try getting your fish from an outside source, such as this site. The fish are delivered overnight and they are very healthy.


I noticed it says nitrates didn't measure. Does that mean you didn't test for nitrates? If so I would check them. Nitrates can kill fish.
Also, how many fish are you quaranting at once?


Do you have fish in your reef tank now? If so, can any of those be the culpret? It seems like your SG might be too low. Also, are the parameters the same in the QT tank as your main tank? Are you acclimating them first, if so how?
I'm so sorry about your frustration and fish loss. I hope you can get it figured out. Good luck. Ant.



Originally posted by guitarfish
This has happened with fish from 3 different sources.

There has to be a serious imbalance from what your doing then from what these LFS are doing. You might want to compare a sample of your water to theres. If the fish are healthy when you buy them and your tanks killing them then something in your tank is way off. Most water quality issues will not kill fish overnight but slowly, yours is toxic.


That's what I've been thinking XoXoX. Btw, my nitrates are 5.0 - insignificant.
I'm probably going to tear the QT down, clean everything, refill with water from the display, go through the whole cycle again...sigh. Another 6 weeks down the hatch.


Now that it's been a few months, did you ever figure out what was wrong with your tank? Have you had any new fish survive?
I have trouble with new fish dying also and I know how frustrating and discouraging it is!


Originally Posted by pohtr
Now that it's been a few months, did you ever figure out what was wrong with your tank? Have you had any new fish survive?
I have trouble with new fish dying also and I know how frustrating and discouraging it is!
It sure has been a rough ride. I wish I could say I found something concrete, but I haven't.
For openers, it seems that my QT tank was too sterile, and not very "lifelike". It was bare bottom with PVC pipe. New fish never seemed to feel at home. I put in some pieces of rock I had in my sump, some fake plants, and removed the pipe. It looked a lot better. I brought home another yellow tang, acclimated him, and he did a lot better than the previous candidates. He was eating nori every day, and I was sure I solved my problem. Suddenly after about 10-12 days, something seemed wrong. He was acting different, not eating. Next day he was dead. I have no idea why.
Time to rethink things. I broke the QT down completely, dried it out, and put it back together. I just had to do this to satisfy myself. I bought a new bag of crushed coral, rinsed it, put it in, put the rock back in, and the green plastic plants. It's been running for 2 weeks now, cycling. It will need another few weeks before the cycling is done, and I think I will try a small community fish, maybe a coral beauty, something like that.
If I can be of anymore help, let me know.


Active Member
raise your salinty, it was to low in your QT. Good luck! Oh, and try a cromis instead of a coral beauty.


Puffer, the SG wasn't the problem. Fish can live just fine all the way down at 1.009 (hyposalinity), which I've done numerous times to kill ich. Many LFS's keep their SG at 1.018 or therabouts. And btw, I already have a pseudochromis fridmani.


I agree with Puffer...raise the salt levels...its ok to lower the salt slowly over a 24-48 hr period...but if u are accimilating a fish from 1.023-1.025 down to 1.018 in an hour or so...that surely could do it...expecially if the nitrates are as high as he says...just my opinion...


I have been having this same exact problem last 4 months or so. Several different types of fish dying before a week is out, including many chromis. Three different sources... Soooo I bought a tupperware tub and set up a QT with water from current tank, and live rock and rubble and still died.....I am at a loss?
I agree that going from 1.023 or 1.025 to 1.018 might be the culpret here. But, when I was researching hyposlinity it always said going up was harder than going down... I am half tempted to bring my refractomer to the LFS's with me, cause I hear some of them keep salinity lower to save on salt, or because they think it keeps ich at bay long enough to sell the fish. Getting frustrated, and hubby is grumpin about the money I am literally flushing.........


Maybe I'm missing something...are you people even READING the original post? Who said anything about going from 1.025 to 1.018 in an hour? Duhh. The LFS SG was 1.018. So was mine. There was no abrupt change in SG.
Also, nitrate of 5.0 is not "high". It's 10.0 or higher in may tanks, and that's just fine.


Active Member
duh, we were just trying to help, where you and your LFS keep your salinity is just so low, its what stands out in your posts, since all other perimeters look fine. I will be sure to keep my opinions to myself, but one last thing, when you said you wanted to get a small fish, and to me cromis is a small fish,cheap unlike a coral beauty thats why i suggested it in case it doesn't make it either, figured go cheap sorta for a test, i would rather lose a 4.00 fish then a 24.00 one. good luck to you anyway..........


I know you're all trying to help, but it always irks me when people definitively say IT'S THIS that's the problem and it seems like they didn't even read the original post. Please pardon my frustration, and I promise to be more polite next time. I agree a reef chromis is a good choice, thank you for that, I actually hadn't thought of it. Maybe I'll get two. :)


The only surviving fish I have in my 90 is a chromis. Guess they must be tough, but what else is tough?
About acclimation....maybe it would be better to just set up a larger container and do a 24 hour drip or something. If the lfs keep their parameters weird, maybe they do it so people will have to come in and buy more fish to replace all the dying ones??? I'd hate even thinking that.
Maybe next time (still afraid to try), it would be a good idea to test the parameters on the lfs water the fish comes with, testing with our own test kits.


Don'tt mean to express my opinion too strongly as well...but teh salinity is low..if that's where your l fs keeps their's ..I would definitely look for another lfs...Also do you have a grounding probe in the tanks...I was having the same problem, and my lfs suggeseted getting one, especially for tangs..and I haven't lost a fish..old or new ..since..Good Luck though!!