I need Help Please...


I have a juvenile Volitan Lionfish and I think it has ich. I have been treating the tank with Organi-cure as advised by my local fish store for almost a week now and it still looks like the ich keeps coming back. I am noticing some of the smaller white spots are disapearing daily, but there are other spots in different areas. Can someone tell me if I could be doing more? I am trying to keep this fish healthy, and he is eating very aggressively (2-3 silversides a day...) and he appears healthy other than those spots... Any help is greatly appreciated. FYI: I removed the carbon from the canister filter, and have a prizm skimmer with bio bale in it running allong with the canister filter, the canister filter has only foam media and bio media in it. It is a 37 gallon cube (I know he will outgrow this tank, I am going to buy a larger one soon.) and has about 45lbs of liverock in it.


Active Member
Can you give me the aqaurium levels? (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, kH, salinity, and temp)
Is that all you are feeding the fish? If so, try mixing the diet up some more.
Are you using garlic and vitamins on the fishes' food?


Staff member
I would not count on that medication to anything, except waste time. Do you have live rock? Any fish exposed to this infected fish are now compromised.
Please take a look at the info in the FAQ Thread on ich, hyposalinity and some of the threads we have posted on organic-type ich medications.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Can you give me the aqaurium levels? (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, kH, salinity, and temp)
Is that all you are feeding the fish? If so, try mixing the diet up some more.
Are you using garlic and vitamins on the fishes' food?
Ammonia & Nitrite are 0, nitrate is <20ppm, pH is 8.2, salinity is 1.023 (Sp. gravity) and temp is 78-79. Should I feed him some frozen krill also? What should I be feeding him? No vits, I guess I should be? Sorry, I have never had a fish like this before, and could use any help you can give me. Thanks.


Active Member
As Beth stated, hyposalinity would be the best treatment to get rid of the ich. This cannot be done in a tank with live rock or inverts though.
I would definitely pick up some krill and prawn as well. Also, Garlic will greatly help your fish, as well as Selcon, Zoe, and VitaChem vitamin additives.


Active Member
Well, just so I give a fair warning, hypo is the best way.
The only thing I have ever had success with is Stop Parasite. You NEED to know and be able to daily test your alk and pH when using this product though.


Can you tell me where to get it? I cannot find it on **************.com. Also, what do you think about uv filters? Will they kill it?


Active Member
Please remove that website. The owners of this website do not like links of competitors websites to be posted on theirs.
If you need a website for Stop Parasite, shoot me an email at ry84@msn.com.
UV sterilizers will not kill the ich on the fish or in the substrate, only what passes through the UV filter in the water. I do not place much value on them at all.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
As Beth stated, hyposalinity would be the best treatment to get rid of the ich. This cannot be done in a tank with live rock or inverts though.
I would definitely pick up some krill and prawn as well. Also, Garlic will greatly help your fish, as well as Selcon, Zoe, and VitaChem vitamin additives.

So I can add all of these vitamins at once?


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
How is the lionfish acting and eating now?
Are you now using garlic and vitamins in the fish's food?
One thing I forgot to mention in the email, Am I supposed to be using a protien skimmer with the Parasite Stop? I have been. and am noticing a significant increase in protien accumulation...


Active Member
The skimmer is taking out quite a bit of the medication. I would probably turn it off while using the product if it is accumulating much more than normal.
How is the lionfish acting and eating now?
Are you now using garlic and vitamins in the fish's food?
You've also been testing alkalinity/kH?


I have been feeding all the vits you requested, ie: Garlic Extreme, Selcon, Zoe, etc. and he is eating and acting fine. Very active, he practically eats from my hand, (well, not really, I drop the food in and he goes after it...) I am growing quite attached to him. He sees me coming and goes to the top of the glass and waits for me to feed him. I just want the ich to go away. I have noticed declines in the number of spots on him, but it seems as thugh as soon as I get ready to stop medicating, they come back in full force. Should I do a water change, replace the carbon and then give it a few days and start treatment again, or should I just keep on with the current treatment? Can you email me where you get your parasite stop please, I got it from a internet supplier, but I am disappointed in the time it took to get to me (almost 2 weeks). My email is sdolph@adelphia.net . I am almost out and do not have enough to treat for the entire 5 day period if I continue treatment without the skimmer. That must be the reason why the ich is still there, the skimmer must be removing the meds. I thought the excessive bubbles were because I remved the poly and carbon media and it was catching the excess waste. Thanks for the help...


Active Member
I am glad to hear that he is still eating and acting normally.
I would do a water change, and then pick back up with the medication, this time, with the skimmer off. There's no need to do replace the carbon and give it a few days.
I sent you an email as well.
Just keep posting on here when you need my help and I will continue to check it!


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I am glad to hear that he is still eating and acting normally.
I would do a water change, and then pick back up with the medication, this time, with the skimmer off. There's no need to do replace the carbon and give it a few days.
I sent you an email as well.
Just keep posting on here when you need my help and I will continue to check it!

Another question for you. The ich seems to have cleared up, but now he is hanging around the top of the tank upside down. If I feed him, he goes right side up and swims around to get the food, but I was concerned about this behavior. I may just be paraoid, but I wanted to be sure this was normal.