I need help please.


New Member
Let me preface this by saying I have not been using a quarantine tank and I now understand the importance of adding new stock that way, and will from this point forward be doing so. Had to say that so I didn't get the QT tank talk. =)
On to the problem:
Tank Specs 35 Gallon Hex
Filtration Protein skimmer/ 30 lbs of LR
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 25
Salinity 1.023
Temperature: 80 Degrees
Lighting 100 watt MH
5 snails
1 scarlet cleaner shrimp 1.5 inches
1 Coral Beauty 2.5 inches
1 bubbletip anemone
2 haitian picktip anemones
1 Gold stripe maroon Clown
Deceased former inhabitants:
2 Clarkii clowns
2 Percula Clowns
Tank Uptime: 4 Months
About 2 weeks ago I noticed white salt like deposits on the glass, I had no idea what they were so I scraped them off shortly thereafter they re-appeared. Since none of the fish seemed sick I continued with regular water changes and glass cleaning. The 2 clarkii clowns soon developed a washed out appearance or a dusting, while at the same time it looked as if their fins were becoming frayed but they were eating with there normal vigor. Within 2 days of this outbreak both were dead.
I then decided to try some greenex knowing that the odds of working were not good but I had nothing to lose by trying it and everything to lose by not doing anything at all or using a proven method and killing my inverts. Worth noting at this time is that the coral beauty showed no signs of this affliction at all during anytime. I went through the greenex cycle, did a 50% water change, and added the percula clowns, 2 weeks had elapsed at this time, they were fine for about 5 days and then they too got that washed out looking spots, no fraying on the fins though and the next day both were dead, yet the coral beauty is seemingly unaffected again, aside from a little rock rubbing that it has always done. So in a month I've lost 4 clowns from this anomaly yet the coral beauty is unaffected.
Reading this forum for the past few days I'm sure if anyone can help me it's going to come from the vast wealth of knowledge within this forum. So please help me either with diagnosis or advice.
Upon Review it's worth saying the Gold Stripe Maroon is new and hasn't had a chance to be affected by whatsever this is.


Staff member
Likely brooklynella, which is a parasite, but not ich. It is also known as clownfish disease.
Did you notice heavy breathing? Did the wash out look actually look like a film over the fish? Did the film seem to peal?


New Member
Thank you Beth for your reply!
Actually yes, it did look more like a film than just washing out ,but it didn't cover the entire fish it was spotty, similiar to the way countries look on a globe if you know what I mean =P I didn't notice heavy breathing not to say there wasn't any going on but these clowns were quite small, and the fraying I mention in the start of thread could have been the peeling that you are referring to.
Any Ideas how to treat this?
Again thanks,


Staff member
In a separate dedicated container fill with water from your display. Use a 37% formaldehyde solution [brand name formalin which is sold in the hobby] at 20 drops for each gal of water. Be sure to aerate the bathe water. Place infected fish in the bathe for 45 minutes, every other day, 3-5 treatments.
Keep a very close eye on your other fish, as this parasite is contagious.